Last week we reported that Tracey J Williamson was making a run for governor. At the time, we expressed concern about her party status as it it was unclear which party she was registered under and for how long has been a member. Oklahoma Statute requires that you be a registered member of the party you wish to run under for at least six months before the filing period.
This past weekend, Tracey has dropped her intent to run upon learning of this requirement.
This is going to put an end to anything I was trying to do here. When I resigned my affiliation from the Republican party, I did not register with any party. This being the case my hands are tied. We can only hope that a viable candidate will appear that we can trust and get behind.
We are sad to see her leave the race this early. We love to have as many people as possible join the race, especially if they support positive changes to Oklahoma’s election laws.
why do you have to carry the “judgement of any party???
It is a requirement to reduce the chances of one party trying to usurp the candidacy of another party. She still could have run as an Independent, but that would have required her to have been a registered Independent for the six months prior to the filing period.